Friday, March 13, 2015

Life Chat

Hello Everyone!

Happy Friday! Thank god its almost the weekend or for some of you guys its already the weekend. I been watching Netflix on my free time and I can't stop watching shows and movies there. I have watched Gossip Girl. I never saw that show when it was on air on the CW. I remember one of my friends telling me to watch it because it was a good show but I never watched it. I started watching it last year on Netflix and I was so hooked. That show was really good. My favorite guy from Gossip Girl has to be Chuck Bass. Sadly I ended the show last year around November and I didn't know what else to watch so I started watching Hart of Dixie and I like that show once I finished the 3rd season I started watching another show because Netflix only has season 1-3 and the 4th season of Hart of Dixie is on air right now on the CW but since I wasn't here for the premier of the 4th season and I didn't watch it so I'm waiting for the season to finish so I can watch the 4th season in the beginning or watch it online. I started watching One Tree Hill and I was hooked on that show. Its a really good show I like it. I recently was watching the last season which is season 9 and I just finished it. Its an amazing show. That is what I do when I have free time you guys could tell that I have a lot of free time but that's sometimes. You guys should want those shows if you haven't seen them. Those shows are really good. Anyways enough of shows on Netflix I want to do a lot of things this year like go bowling (yes I never been bowling), go to the snow again, go to concerts and Coachella, Disneyland (yes I also never been to Disneyland) and many more things. Hopefully I can try to do all those things. This post has been a little chit chat of things and I hope you guys enjoyed it.


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